Happy 25th, ICY!
It was ICY's 25th birthday last September 7, 2023! We have been educating, nurturing, supporting, molding and caring for children and young adults for 25 years now!
Here's a message from our Directress:
A Message to our ICY Community
September 1998:
Bright-eyed, impassioned, idealistic, with good intentions and energy to match…The indisputable desire was to teach children. The vision was simple – to teach in a venue where ALL children would be valued and supported to become their best version. That vision was the Integrated Center for the Young.
Turning the vision into reality, however, was anything BUT simple. It entailed experiencing and surpassing many things, including an incredible amount of hard work, limited resources, many obstacles and challenges, taking risks and evolving, moments of doubt and discouragement, some man-made crises and natural disasters, setting up three campus locations, and one life changing global pandemic, to name several. As an institution that dispensed learning and supported growth, we too needed to continuously learn and grow, year in and year out.
September 2023, 25 years later:
Still bright-eyed, impassioned, idealistic, with good intentions, energy to match… plus the wisdom of experience.
In desiring to teach children, we, the supposed educators, have learned and gained much. We have learned invaluable truths about life, love, and what’s truly important. In envisioning a venue where all children would be welcome, we did not imagine that we would eventually build a safe haven for families and for ourselves as well or that we would become this huge community with members taking care of each other. We also could not have foretold that through our efforts to support children to become their best version, that we too would become the best version of ourselves. We set out to make a difference, yet find ourselves transformed.
Life with ICY is magical that way.
So, 25 years later, with numerous relationships forged, countless fond memories, unending tight hugs and nonstop laughter, extraordinary commitment of teachers and support staff (past and present), thousands of lives touched, hundreds of students graduated, over 160 Batang Bayani scholars supported, and many lives simply made better with ICY - we remain humble and grateful, at your service.
We thank you for helping build ICY! We have given of ourselves and created something more meaningful. We are all ICY and our journey continues…
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